It can be hard to know where to look for help when you’re starting out on your barefoot journey.
Here are some helpful resources we’ve found along the way that you might find helpful too:

Barefoot Style – THE place to geek out over all things barefoot
Amazing group full of others who are on their barefoot journey who’ve we’ve found are always delighted to offer advice and tips for finding what you need.
This is a community of women who are using/interested in the movement program Restore Your Core (mentioned in ‘Courses’ below). RYC is a great way to target all the areas that might be preventing you from moving forward on your barefoot journey.
American Facebook Groups:
Minimalist Shoe Buy/Sell/Trade
American buy & sell group with some discussion.
KIDS Minimalist/Barefoot Shoes BUY/SELL/TRADE
American buy & sell group specifically for kids shoes.
European Facebook Groups:
Europe Buy/sell/trade Minimalist, barefoot shoes
European discussion and buy & sell group.
Barefoot Shoe Making DIY Europe
Group where you can share your barefoot shoe making experiences and get tips and advice.
UK Facebook Groups:
Barefoot Shoes Open Discussion UK
Kids & Adults Shoes – Uk based discussion group.
Irish Facebook Groups:
Barefoot Resale Ireland
A buy and sell group.
Barefoot Shoes Ireland
Discussion and Sales – a buy and sell group where you can get advice too.

Anya is one of the go to experts in barefoot shoes! Her website anyasreviews.com has a huge number of barefoot shoe reviews and contains some invaluable advice to help you navigate the increasing number of barefoot shoe options available on the market.
As does her other site, barefootshoefinder.com, which can really help narrow down the options when you are barefoot shoe shopping so that you can find the perfect pair of shoes in less time.
Anya also has a wonderful string of posts called ‘Fashion, but make it barefoot’, where she styles barefoot shoes with fashionable outfits to show how it can be done.
Anya has a list of barefoot shoe discounts on her site.
Another barefoot style and ethical fashion icon, Linh shows us how to wear barefoot shoes with style and offers various barefoot shoe discounts.

Whole Body Barefoot & Simple Steps to Foot Pain Relief by Katy Bowman
Katy is one of the original barefoot shoe advocates and honestly, anything she writes is eye opening, educational, and entertaining! Katy has not only her books, but many other resources, a great blog, dvds, various movement programs, and virtual classes.

Barefoot Friendly Podiatrists…
Barefoot Friendly Podiatrists…
Northwest Foot & Ankle in Portland, Oregon
Established by Dr Ray McClanahan, barefoot podiatrist, this clinic offers online appointments for those transitioning to barefoot shoes. It can be hard to find barefoot podiatrists, but Dr McClanahan really knows what he’s talking about, as you’ll see from their YouTube channel, full of informative videos that explain exactly what’s going on with your feet.

Don’t be fooled by the name! RYC was founded by the amazing Lauren O’Hayon to help women with their core issues, but as the core is connected to the entire body, this movement program also addresses the entire body! Alignment, strength, gait, mobility, core, pelvic floor, it’s all covered in this accessible online program which can be tailored to every level of ability.
The Facebook group listed above is a great place where you can find out more about the program and see testimonials from other women who use the program. You can also find a lot of free videos on Lauren’s own Facebook page.
This awesome duo are gait specialists who can help you fix your feet through education to help you identify & remedy the weak spots in your alignment, gait, and musculature, with their online courses.
Petra is a movement specialist and barefoot advocate who offers several great movement programs, some of which are specifically aimed at fixing your feet!
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